
We are one of the best

Welcome to Youth Association for Cambodian Muslim Community ( YA CMC ) which is an Independent, Non- Political, Multinational, Humanity Organization Youth Association for Cambodian Muslim Community offers a wide range of humanitarian services such to provide all necessary needs and to change their lives in a best and positive way by conducting community service program and vocational training, etc.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said Allah said: Spend on charity, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.” Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

We Have Global Network

We have a strong relationship with Muslim countries across the world. Namely, Malaysia, Arab Saudi, Australia, Singapore and many more.

google map

Our purpose in the society

Contributing to the Royal Government of Cambodia in the development of Cambodia in accordance with the policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia.

Do not withhold your money, for if you did so, Allah would withhold his blessings from you.” Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Our Team

We have strong teamwork with a good background education. Our team has graduated from different countries.