
The importance of Educating Children 

Children are precious gifts from Allah and parents have been given the responsibility to make sure that they are educated according to Islam.

If the parents of a child bring him up in righteousness, they will live happily in this world and the hereafter with they will be rewarded by Allah for their good deed. But if the parents neglect the child`s upbringing and education, they will lead a life of unhappiness in both worlds and  the parents will be punished by Allah ( awt) for their neglect.

By attending Nur Hidayah primary School in Kok village,Tbong Kmum province, Cambodia on a regular basis,  muslim children taught how to read the Qur`an at an early age, strong faith, Great Ummah, and teaching them, how to perform solat ( praying ) ect, so that they develop love for it when they are older.

We  are taught the Quran, fiqh (how to pray, fast make wudhu etc), seerah (life of the Prophet SAW), akhlaaq (manners in Islam), aqaa’id (beliefs of a Muslim) as well as dua and surah memorization.

Such Muslim children also receive the basic guidance to a good Muslim. This including the basis of cleanliness, good morals, good, manners and basis knowledge relating to beliefs ( AQIDAH tahid tu llah    توحيدالله ) strong iman.

In addition, we have a class teaching   Muslim n Muslim old age 4 times a month, it focus on Fardu An with tafsir Al-Quran, tazkirah..ect.

The Prophet SAW: “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it."

Our project:

A madrasah and masjid aimed at preserving the deen of our children, in a time when they are exposed and subjected to so many beliefs (atheism, agnosticism etc)  and actions (drugs, TV, violence etc) that are having a dangerously negative effect on their Islam.

Why is this important?

This project is so important in this day and age because it seeks to address the above concern by passing that knowledge – the knowledge brought by our Rasul SAW – to the next generation. Most of the children in this area attend the non-Muslim public school system. Part of this project seeks to establish a program whereby the children can come to the madrasah and learn Quran and Islamic Studies. In this way we hope Insha Allah that not only their deeds (a’maal) will be protected but so too their faith (Iman).