The Messenger of Allah ( saw ) said, “ Which charity is best? “ He replied, “ providing water” ( Abu Dawud).
Ramadhan is a time when we remember our loved ones who have passed away, and many of us want to give Sadaqah Jariyah in their name during this blessed month. The Prophet ( saw ) recommended water as the best charity to give in someone`s name.
Every time someone`s breaks they're fast using this water, every time wears the clothes washed with that water, every time someone`s eats vegetables grown from that water- both of you will be the reward for that.Amin2
The Reward of Giving Water in Islam: Seven Reasons to Build a well.
Water is a blessing from Allah (swt) that we often take for granted, but during Ramadhan, through the mercy of Allah, we become more conscious of the difficulties faced by those without access to safe water. Giving water is a highly recommended action in Islam, and its rewards are multiplied even Further during this blessed month.
Here are six reasons why we should spend our Sadaqah on wakaf well water.
1. it brings our closer to Allah.
2. It saves lives ( with 6% Muslim people in Cambodia are an unsafe water is the single biggest obstacle to the heath of communities in the developing world, especially, in village area.
3. The gift of water saves live, which is a hugely rewardable action. Allah says in the Qur`an, “ And whoever saves one [a life] – it is as if he had saved all of mankind”.surah Maidah: verse 32.
4. It`s the best charity.
The Messenger of Allah ( saw ) said, “ Which charity is best? “ He replied, “ providing water” ( Abu Dawud).
We use water for everything, from washing dishes to cooking food to growing crops. Allah says in the Qur’an, ‘By means of water, we give life to everything’. (Qur’an, 21:30) Communities that don’t have access to clean water face unimaginable hardships, with women and children walking for hours to collect even a little water, and families unable to support themselves due to lack of education and livelihood. Having access to safe water is a basic human right and fulfilling this right is an excellent Sadaqah.
5.Give how much you can – Allah will reward you
Not all of us are able to build wells for entire communities – but don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the rewards! Reward is based on the sincerity of our intention, and even giving a single glass of water carries immense rewards if it’s all you can give.
6.It leads to forgiveness for your sins
Allah’s Messenger (saw) said, ‘A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that’. [Bukhari].
7.It is ultimate Sadaqah Jariyah
The gift of water can often bring communities back to life through the ultimate Sadaqah jariyah chain reaction. Clean water leads to healthy livestock, healthy people, more children in school, improved agriculture and sustainable livelihoods by building a well in a deprived community, we will get the reward for every single one of these things, inshallah.